Search for ICD-10 Codes by Keyword and Chapter using Power BI

Find and Analyze ICD-10 Codes using Power BI

ICD-10 codes are an international standard for the classification of diseases and health problems. Managed by the World Health Organization, they provide a structured hierarchy by which to organize different diagnoses. For this demo, I’m using the 2018 CM and GEMs version of ICD-10 codes made public by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) at this link.

There are over 94,000 codes in the CMS file, which is more than most people can commit to memory. In addition to the CMS list of ICD-10 codes, I also added the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality‘s chapter rollups to improve the user experience. With these rollups added, you can filter the ICD-10 list for a chapter such as “Diseases of the Circulatory System” before using the keyword search. “Diseases of the Circulatory System” is actually chapter I, which is the first letter of the codes in that chapter. The descriptions for each Chapter are in the tooltips for the treemap on the right side of the report at the bottom of this page.

When used in a Power BI App or Power BI Mobile, Natural Language Query and voice recognition can also add value to this approach. Simply ask “Show ICD-10 Descriptions where Keyword is “antirheumatic,” and a list of the ICD-10 codes with that word in the description will populate on the screen. If a healthcare organization has data that contains key values tied to ICD-10 codes, counts and trends within their organization could also be added to those search results.

Here is an embedded version of the demo to try out:

A good example of how this report can be used is to add “neoplasm” to the Keyword #1 filter, “benign” to the Keyword #2 filter, and add “lung” to the Keyword #3 filter. What’s left is the ICD-10 codes that contain all three of those words.