Control PII and Sensitive Data Risk for Self-Service BI using Power BI DataFlows with Azure Data Lake

Power BI DataFlows Integrates Directly with an Azure Data Infrastructure

Power BI DataFlows with Azure Data Lake
Power BI DataFlows Integrates Directly with an Azure Data Infrastructure

For companies operating in highly regulated industries such as Healthcare, the promise of self-service Business Intelligence often takes a back seat to regulatory concerns about sensitive data such as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Healthcare companies require capabilities to control the flow of sensitive data for both enterprise and self-service Business Intelligence. This article will review strategies for controlling access to sensitive data while still empowering users to gain value from Microsoft Business Intelligence and Analytics tools.

Terms often associated with sensitive data include PII, PHI (Protected Health Information), and PIFI (Personally Identifiable Financial Information). Data that could be used for unfair financial market trades, often referred to as “insider information,” is also a consideration when granting users access to data. I am not an expert on these laws and the specifics of the associated requirements, but the tools and techniques below will hopefully provide value as you consider a plan for managing sensitive data.

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