Unleash Massive Data Volumes to Analytics using Power BI Aggregations with Composite Models

Power BI Aggregations with Composite Models Provide Limitless Scale

Power BI Aggregations
Power BI Aggregations with Composite Models provide limitless scale.

Healthcare reporting and analytics often require massive data volumes with tables that are both exceptionally wide and deep. Architectural concepts such as Large Type 2 Dimension tables, Many-to-Many Relationships, and Secondary Key Relationships are rare exceptions in most Business Intelligence designs yet are common in Healthcare. Numerous reference tables are often required that can also have complex architectures due to ever-changing categorization systems such as DRGs, ICDs, CPTs, and others. Add calculation logic such as qualifying visits, LOS calculations, complications, and cohort inclusion/exclusion criteria and the challenges becomes daunting. Successful solution design requires deep healthcare industry expertise along with powerful tools.

Have you been held back by data volume limitations in Power BI? Have Power BI Import Models hit the Pro 1GB and Premium 10GB limitations, while Direct Query Models demand too many resources from your source databases? Power BI’s new Aggregations feature combined with Composite Models can now help you unlock massive volumes of data for analytics.

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